Date and Time
April 9th 2024 15.00 —00.00
The larp starts with a 2.5-hour workshop, followed by a 1-hour break to get dinner and getting into costume. Dinner is not included in the price, but there are many food options close to the location.
The larp will run at Tampereen Ylioppilasteatteri (Tampere Student Theater) in the centre of Tampere, Finland during A Week in Finland for Solmukohta 2024
Number of participants
Up to 80 participants.
Regular Ticket 85,- Eur. — (For every ticket sold, we can offer another subsidized ticket)
Sponsor Ticket 105,- Eur
Subsidized Ticket 65 Eur — (Please only buy this ticket if your finances are really tough)
Follow this link for tickets
Participants will create characters using an automated character system. Character creation is reminiscent of how it worked in larps such as Enlightenment in Blood, Parliament of Shadows and Tuhannen viillon kuolema (Death By a Thousand Cuts). In the system, you will make choices to assemble a character out of pre-written material.
All characters are actors, theatre professionals, critics, drug dealers, musicians, and the like. They're coming to a strange party, so if you feel like dressing up, now's the time to wear that thing you've never had the right occasion to wear. As to the fae, they blend in with the crowd in the sense that when everyone's a weirdo, it's hard to distinguish the truly different. This means that subtle fae touches in makeup or costume are good.
Note: Don't include a mask in your costume. Masks will have a specific game mechanical function.
Photo policy
3 AM Forever will be documented in photos and video. After the larp, the photo galleries and video will be made available for participants before released to the public. At that time, you can request the removal of any photo or video in which you appear.
Please join our Facebook group for future information.